Tuition Assistance & Grants

An altar boy silhouetted at the windowLansing Catholic High School community forms students spiritually, intellectually, and socially into faithful disciples of Jesus Christ.

365bet旨在招收求知欲强、有信仰的学生,而不考虑家庭的支付能力. In the 2023-24 school year, Lansing Catholic distributed more than $865,000 to offset the total cost to eduate. 所有的学费援助都必须申请,以确保所有的钱都是根据经济需要分配的.

LCHS offers need-based tuition assistance that is determined by FACTS Grant & Aid Assessment, a third party. Historically, 我们申请学费援助的家庭中有76%获得了援助,平均奖励为4美元,800. 所有的录取决定都与学费补助决定分开进行. 我们强烈鼓励每个觉得自己负担不起全额学费的家庭申请.


Access the Online Grant & Aid Application from FACTS:

  • Start your FACTS Grant & Aid Application online here.
  • 申请学费资助的家庭需要填写在线FACTS表格,并通过以下方式提交必要的证明文件 March 1 of each school year.
  • A $35 fee is required through FACTS to apply for tuition assistance.
  • 用FACTS创建一个在线帐户或使用以前的帐户登录
  • Submit the following documents to FACTS online:
    • 您最近的联邦税表的复印件,包括所有支持税表和W2s. 
    • Copies of supporting documentation for Social Security Income, Welfare, Child Support, Food Stamps, Workers' Compensation, and TANF. 

The FACTS Grant & 援助评估是为365bet和兰辛教区进行财务需求分析的第三方机构. 

By completing the FACTS Grant & 在3月1日之前在线填写援助表格,你将被考虑获得所有来自美国大学的学费援助 Diocese of Lansing AND Lansing Catholic High School:

  • Lansing Catholic High School Tuition Assistance
    学费援助对所有有经济需要的365bet家庭开放. This typically varies from $500 to $7,000 and averages $4,800.
  • Diocese of Lansing Grant
    这项补助金是开放给任何家庭的天主教学生(K-12年级)就读于天主教学校在兰辛教区. The family must show financial need, attend a parish in the Diocese of Lansing, and the student must be Catholic. Students in grades 9th-12th may qualify for a $1,000 grant.

Scholarships Available from the Diocese of Lansing

  • The Venerable Augustus Tolton Scholarship
    这项500美元的奖学金是由可敬的奥古斯都·托尔顿(1854-97)赞助的。, 他以前是奴隶,后来成为美国第一位非裔美国牧师. 这项补助金是开放给任何家庭的天主教学生(K-12年级)就读于天主教学校在兰辛教区. The family must show financial need, 在兰辛教区就读,学生必须是非裔美国人或黑人.
  • The St. Jose Luis Sanchez del Rio Scholarship
    The St. 桑切斯德尔里奥奖学金旨在帮助兰辛教区更多的天主教西班牙裔美国家庭为他们的孩子提供天主教教育. It will operate under the patronage of St. Sanchez del Rio (1913-1928), 他是一位墨西哥青年,对瓜达卢佩圣母如此忠诚,对自己的信仰如此热爱,以至于他牺牲了自己的生命来捍卫这两者. This grant is $500 per student. In addition to the Grant Criteria for all grants, 学生必须是西班牙裔,并且在750美元或1美元的基础上至少需要500美元,000 need shown for Diocesan grants.

If you have any questions about the tuition assistance process through FACTS, 您可以拨打1-866-441-4637与FACTS客户服务代表或LCHS学费顾问Mrs. Renee Fischman at Lansing Catholic High School.

A button that says Start Your Grant & Aid Application


Additional Discounts and Programs

Catholic Parish Subsidy

如果你在你的在线注册包中表明你将从你的天主教教区获得学费补贴, your tuition plan will be based on that information. In order to receive that subsidy for the school year, you must contact your parish office for approval. Please be aware of your parish’s procedures for handling subsidy requests. 每个学年的6月1日,所有教区补贴的批准都要提交给LCHS的学费办公室.

529 Plans

截至2018年,家庭可以使用他们的529储蓄计划支付私立K-12教育费用而不会受到处罚. Contact your 529 plan advisor for details.

TRIP Program (Raise Right)

Families may also participate in our TRIP Program 在这个项目中,家庭可以通过购买礼品卡来赚取美元来支付学费,并从中赚取%的回扣来支付学费. The average TRIP savings is between $200 and $500 per year.

Frequently Asked Questions About LCHS Tuition Assistance

How is tuition determined?

Providing a high-quality education, and employing qualified and dynamic teachers, does have a significant cost. 兰辛天主教学校在保持孩子教育成本尽可能低的同时,公平地补偿我们优秀的教师方面做得非常出色. 

每年,我们都会确定下一年学校运营的总成本,然后除以就读的学生人数. 这是由我们的财务委员会审查,然后我们的董事会的最终批准. For 2024-25 it will cost LCHS $12,900 to educate every child in our building, 通过积极的措施,我们只能从23-24增加550美元,同时仍然为我们的教师提供适度的加薪. 

In comparison federal, state, and local governments provide $794.7 billion or $16,080 per pupil to fund K-12 public education*.

What if I don’t want to share my financial information?

We understand that no one likes to share personal information, 所以我们使用第三方服务来提供所有学费援助计算的机密分析. Only the tuition officer, and in the cases of request for reconsideration the president, at Lansing Catholic ever view any financial information provided.

What if my tuition assistance application is submitted after March 1, am I eligible for any tuition grants?

在此日期之后收到的申请将没有资格获得兰辛教区的补助金, but are still eligible for some LCHS tuition assistance.


No, you submit one FACTS Grants & Aid application per family. You list each student and the school they attend on one application. 兰辛教区和每所学校将收到您的信息和学费补助决定.


You can contact LCHS tuition advisor, Mrs. 蕾妮·费什曼,为你预约使用LCHS的电脑:517-267-2107或


You can contact LCHS tuition advisor, Mrs. 蕾妮·费什曼,她会帮你上传文件,电话是LCHS: 517-267-2107或者

When will I know if I qualified for any tuition assistance?


I did not qualify for any tuition assistance through FACTS, is there anything I can do to receive tuition assistance?

Yes, if it was determined that you did not show a financial need, and you still require tuition assistance, 然后你可以联系LCHS学费办公室,询问我们的复议表格.

When is the first tuition payment due?

For all payment plans, 第一笔付款将于7月15日或7月30日到期,具体取决于您在LCHS在线注册时选择的截止日期.

Can I volunteer and receive credit for tuition?

We do not have a volunteer program set up for tuition credits. 我们所有的志愿活动都去了我们的俱乐部、课外活动和运动队.  我们把志愿服务和筹款留给这些团体,这样他们就可以把与他们的项目相关的费用降到最低.  However, you can participate in LCHS’s TRIP program and the money earned is posted to your tuition account.

Who do I contact if I have other questions regarding tuition and assistance?

Please contact Mrs. Renee Fischman in the LCHS Tuition Office at 517-267-2107 or