
完成我们的使命,塑造我们的学生的精神, 智力, 和社会, we are dedicated to bringing Catholic education to families regardless of financial ability. The investment in an education at Lansing Catholic High School is one that never loses value.

我们知道兰辛天主教教育的总成本是巨大的, and are committed to ensuring that every family who desires a Catholic education for their children can afford the investment. 在2023-24学年,LCHS提供了超过865美元,为抵消实际的教育费用,我将提供1万英镑的学费补助. 

LCHS offers need-based tuition assistance through the third-party 事实格兰特 Application. Historically, 76% of our families who apply for grants receive aid and the average award is $4,800. All admissions decisions are made separately from tuition assistance determinations. We strongly encourage every family that feels they need tuition assistance to apply. 

“我知道每个人的情况都不一样, 但如果你去跟学校谈谈, 根据我们的经验, 他们通常真的很愿意和你一起工作. 只是不要一开始就说‘我们负担不起’,至少不会发现, 与学校对话, 进去问一些问题.——特里萨·M



全额学费 $12,900
学费范围 $4,800 - $ 11500(适用于申请学费援助的家庭)


  • Application fee: $50 before February 1, $100 on and after February 1 (new students only)
  • Enrollment fee:  $150 before March 1, $200 March 1-31, or  $250 after April 1
  • 活动费用:250美元(包括年鉴费用), 常规赛的主场比赛, 舞蹈招生, 演出和音乐会门票, 还有一张停车证)
  • Technology fee:  $50 (covers school-issued Chromebook and insurance, and other LCHS technology used)
  • 书籍:每年200美元(估计) & 可从任何来源购买)
  • 制服:每年200美元(估计) & 须从“我的a +制服”购买)
  • 注意: 国际学生 有不同的学费,没有额外的折扣.



  • 全额付款
  • 学期支付
  • 季度支付
  • 每月付款超过11个月(一次性支付50美元的付款费用)

您将在在线注册过程中选择付款计划. The Activities fee of $250 and Technology fee of $50 will be added to your online tuition plan for each student attending. Your next school year's tuition plans are uploaded into your online tuition accounts by May 31 and will include any parish subsidies, 学费折扣, 旅行信用, 以及援助和补助金. Your first tuition payment is due either July 15 or July 30 depending on which tuition due date you selected during the online enrollment process. 您可以从6月1日开始支付下一学年的学费计划.



If you indicated in your online enrollment packet that you would be receiving a tuition subsidy from your Catholic parish, 你的学费计划将基于这些信息. 才能获得学年补贴, 你必须联系你的教区办公室获得批准. 教区学生的平均折扣是650美元. 请留意所属堂区处理津贴申请的程序.

All parish subsidy approvals are due to LCHS's tuition office by June 1 each school year.


A discount is available for families with multiple students in attendance at LCHS at the same time.

  • 第二名参加的学生可获得1000美元的折扣
  • 第三名学生将获得免费学费

家庭也可以参加我们的 旅行计划 through Raise Right in which families can earn dollars toward tuition by purchasing gift cards earning a % back to be applied to tuition. 旅行计划每年平均节省200至500美元.

LCHS提供的学费援助 & 兰辛教区

在2023- 2024学年, 兰辛天主教会分发了超过865美元,为超过75%的学校家庭提供平均4元的资助,800. 所有的学费援助都是通过我们的第三方申请的 事实格兰特 & 援助评估 为了确保所有的钱都分配在财政需要的基础上.

家庭必须 透过事实补助金申请 & 援助评估 by March 1st each year to be eligible for tuition assistance grants from both 兰辛教区 and Lansing Catholic High School. Select "Create an Account" as this is a different FACTS account from applications and the Family Portal. 

Families who have not yet made the decision to attend LCHS are encouraged to complete the Grant & 帮助应用程序 through FACTS so as not to miss the opportunity to receive the maximum tuition assistance.


截至2018年, families can use their 529 savings plans to pay for private K-12 education without penalty. 请联系您的529计划顾问了解详情.




提供优质教育, 聘用合格、有活力的教师, 是否有很大的成本. Lansing Catholic has done a remarkable job keeping the cost to educate our children as low as possible while compensating our incredible teachers fairly. 

Each year we determine what the total cost of school operations will be for the following year which is then divided by the number of students attending. This is reviewed by our Finance Committee and then our Board of Trustees for final approval. 在2024-25年度,它将花费LCHS 12美元,900美元来教育我们楼里的每个孩子, which through proactive measures we were able to only have a $550 increase from the 23-24 year while still providing our teachers a modest raise. 



我们理解没有人喜欢分享个人信息, which is why we use a third-party service to provide confidential analysis of all tuition assistance calculations. 只有学费官, 在请求复议的情况下,总统, 在兰辛天主教堂查看任何财务信息.

如果我的学费资助申请是在3月1日之后提交的呢, 我有资格获得学费补助吗?

Applications received after that date are not eligible for any Diocese of Lansing grants, 但仍然有资格获得一些LCHS学费援助.

Do I have to complete separate tuition assistance applications for my children if they attend different Catholic schools?

不,你提交一份FACTS资助 & 每户申请的资助. 你在一张申请表上列出每个学生和他们就读的学校. The Diocese of Lansing and each school will receive your information and tuition assistance determination.

What if I do not have access to a computer and cannot complete the form online?

你可以联系LCHS的学费顾问,夫人. 蕾妮Fischman, to set up an appointment for you to use a computer at LCHS: 517-267-2107 or 蕾妮

I can complete the form online, but I cannot upload or scan the required documents, what do I do?

你可以联系LCHS的学费顾问,夫人. 蕾妮Fischman, and she will upload your documents for you at LCHS: 517-267-2107 or 蕾妮


You will receive separate notifications from 兰辛教区 and LCHS by May 31 notifying you of your determination and amount of tuition assistance.

我没有资格通过FACTS申请任何学费援助, 我能做些什么来获得学费补助吗?

是的, 如果确定你没有经济上的需要, 而且你还需要学费补助, then you can contact the LCHS tuition office and ask about our reconsideration form.


适用于所有付款计划, the first payment is due either July 15th or July 30th depending on the due date you selected in your online enrollment with LCHS.


我们没有为学费减免设立志愿者项目. All of our volunteering efforts go to our clubs, extracurricular events, and sports teams.  We leave the volunteering and fundraising to these groups so they can keep any fees associated with their programs to a minimum.  但是,您可以参加LCHS 旅行计划 赚来的钱会被记入你的学费账户.


请联系. 蕾妮Fischman在LCHS学费办公室,电话517-267-2107或 蕾妮





访问我们的 学费援助页面 浏览有关FACTS资助计划的更多资料 & 帮助应用程序.

For any other questions, please contact 蕾妮Fischman in our 学费的办公室 at 517-267-2107 or 蕾妮